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baby registry items

Creating your Baby Registry! Plus Top Baby Registry Favourites!

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So You’re Having a Baby!

Before we talk about your baby registry, let’s talk about the obvious – you’re having a baby!

Having a baby is a life changing experience.  Especially for first time parents, from the moment you find out that you are pregnant, that tiny little person begins to impact you in subtle and big ways!  Even parents who already have children can be completely changed by the arrival of a second, third or additional baby.

In this post I will discuss creating a baby registry, baby essentials that you should include on your baby registry and our most loved baby registry items, including what we’re still using after the one year mark!

*This post may contain affiliate links.  This just means that if you click on a link and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.  This just helps me to keep this site running.  You can read my full disclosure here.  

Preparing for Baby

Even before the baby is born you begin to prepare.  In the first trimester you change some of your eating and activity habits (to learn more about the first trimester, check out this post).

In the second trimester, you may begin to think about and prepare a space in your home for the baby.  You can check out my second trimester blog post, including top second trimester essentials, here.

By the third trimester, you will likely finish your baby registry and fill your home with clothing, gear and other items in preparation for the baby’s arrival.

These are all examples of the subtle ways in which a baby will change your life, even before he or she is born.

first trimester

Welcoming Baby

For me, it wasn’t until my daughter was born that I actually realized how much of a game changing, life altering experience having a baby is.  Yes, all of the preparation along the way had clued me in but there is something about holding a newborn baby in your arms and staring at them while they sleep that really gets you!

You begin to think about how you’ll keep them safe, and what you can do to nurture them as they grow. Thoughts that never crossed your mind about little issues in your home or what you need to do to make them happy and content will begin to consume your thoughts as you try to be the best parent that you can for your little one.

babyproofing cover

Planning for Baby: Creating a Baby Registry

Babies don’t really need a lot of stuff to be happy.  For the first few months their focus is to eat, sleep, poop and pee.  Despite this, if you haven’t already, you will soon find out that there are so many products out there for babies.

While I was pregnant, I did a lot of reading and research and tried to decipher what I really needed for my daughter’s first few months as I started to think about creating a baby registry.  If you’re still in this phase, Audible is a great source for up-to-late audiobooks.  You can check it out here!

Many of my friends told me that baby gear quickly adds up and takes over your household if you aren’t careful.  Some of the things they purchased or received they actually never ended up using.

A few months into my motherhood journey I began to realize just what they’d been talking about.  Looking around my home as I began to formulate this post, I found that some of these items were almost obsolete by the time my daughter was a few months old, whereas, others I found myself almost unable to live without well beyond her first birthday.  That is why I think creating your baby registry is so important!

Do You Need a Baby Registry?

Many people will tell you that you don’t NEED a baby registry. However, a baby registry is a good idea, even if you don’t plan to have a baby shower or receive gifts from others.

Shopping for a baby can become very overwhelming as you try to decipher what you need and what you don’t.  It is easy to get too many or too little of certain items if you aren’t keeping track.

A baby registry is a great way for you to keep an organized list of items that you would like for your baby. Your baby registry can help you keep an inventory of what you have already purchased and what is still outstanding.

A baby registry helps other people in your life who would like to contribute to your baby’s arrival informed about what items you still need for baby, and your preferences.  If there is a particular brand or product you prefer, a baby registry is a polite way of sharing this information.

second trimester cover

How Do You Create a Baby Registry?

Creating a baby registry has become fairly simple since it can be done online using your laptop or phone.  You can still go into stores to create registries as well, but most stores or websites give you the option of filling up your list with just the click of a few buttons, which I found very easy to do.

In most cases ,you simply create an account or profile, search and begin adding items to your list, and then share your link with your friends and family.  You can include your link or a guide on how to access your registry in your baby shower invitations, if you are having one.  This makes it really simple to share with friends and family.

You may even choose to keep your registry to yourself, and use it as a master checklist to help you to purchase and cross off items, as you are able.

A great bonus about creating a baby registry is that many websites offer a special completion discount once you are in your last couple months of pregnancy, or after a certain amount of money has been spent purchasing items on your registry.  This can help you to purchase items at a better price than you would have been able to.  For example, some website offer a 10-15% discount from your 7th month to 6 weeks after your baby is born.

Where is the Best Place to Create Your Baby Registry?

If you search ‘baby registry’ online, you will find many stores and websites that allow you to create your baby registries.  Choose your favourites by searching the site for items that you like.  Some popular companies that offer Baby Registries are Amazon, Buy Buy Baby, Toys R Us and Target.

Some websites or apps, like Babylist, allow you to add items from various stores and sites.

You can create more than one baby registry if you’d like, but I found it best to have one main baby registry from a reputable source that carried a lot of different items and brands.

For me, this choice was Amazon.  Amazon’s free Baby Registry was great!  The main perks were that you can add any product available on Amazon, it was easy to add items and share with friends, and Amazon offered a nice completion discount!

The list of items that I could add was extensive.  It was really easy to add the items to the list.  I just clicked on ‘add to baby registry’ from the Amazon website or app, once I saw an items that I liked.

Amazon Baby Registry’s free return policy made it easy to exchange or return items you no longer needed or got multiples of.  If you sign up for an Amazon Baby Registry you get access to their extended return policy as well, which allows you to return items well beyond the usual return date.

Finally, Amazon offers a free gift for signing up for their Baby Registry.  Trust me, their gift box included some great products, including trial sized packs of wipes, diapers, soaps, lotions, a onesie, socks, hat and some other goodies.

What Should You Add to Your Baby Registry?

You can add virtually any item that you want to your baby registry!   However, it is a good idea to prioritize items that are most needed in the first few months of your baby’s life when creating your registry.  Some baby registries even have a feature where you can highlight your “most wanted” items.

Another option is to use your registry for higher priced items, that friends and families can contribute to as a group gift, rather than having one person purchase the higher ticket item.  Examples may include a car seat, high chair or crib.

If you are sharing your baby registry with friends and family, it is a good idea to add items in different price ranges, as people will have different budgets.  It really is the thought that counts when it comes to gifting, not the price sticker, so your loved ones will appreciate being able to purchase items in various price ranges.

Some of the best and most used items I received as gifts were some of the lower priced items.  This is one of the reasons why adding items from various price categories is important, and will allow your supporters to add what they are able without breaking the bank.

Finally, many baby registries will offer a checklist or guide to help ensure that you select items from the various key areas for a newborn or baby’s first few months of life.  Let’s review those essentials!

safari theme nursery

Recommended Baby Registry Essentials

This list is a general guide and includes the basics.   You can come up with an extensive list of items to add to your baby registry if you browse, but I hope this helps you get started!

Depending on your personal needs you will add or remove items when creating your own baby registry.

I have linked some of the items we used, in case you are looking for product suggestions as well!

Sleep Needs


Feeding (Items dependent on if you are breast or formula feeding)


Clothing (Newborn, 0-3 month and 3-6 months)

(It is a good idea to list various sizes as babies grow quickly and vary in how long they may stay in a particular size.)




Safety and Hygiene




Comfort and Soothing





  • Dresser (We did a dresser/change table combo, check it out!)
  • Change table
  • Recliner, rocker or glider

Other Nursery Essentials

(for more ideas on nursery items, you can check out this poston how to design and set-up your baby’s nursery)




Some Final Tips for Creating your Baby Registry

  • Remember to consider quantities when adding items to your registry.
  • Read reviews from other shoppers to learn more about the product before adding it to your registry.
  • Have fun! Add a few unique or non-conventional items you would love to try out with your baby.
  • Review your checklist frequently just in case items are no longer available, so that you can replace them.
  • Don’t forget to indicate your most wanted items.
  • If you have pricey items on your registry, consider offering the price sharing option which will allow your friends and family to contribute towards the full cost of these items.

Our Top 5 Baby Registry Favourites

Now that we’ve gone through the list of basics and essentials, I want to share some items with you that we found so helpful during our first year with our daughter.  Among all of the items on our baby registry and others that we received as gifts, there were certainly items that stood out as clear favourites within the first few months.  Some of these I had anticipated, and others really surprised me!

Check out my list of favourite new baby items. These are items that I would recommend to every expecting parent!

  1. Baby Brezza Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer

This sterilizer and dryer has been amazing for easily and safely sterilizing our baby bottles, pacifiers and other products.  No need to boil bottles, and risk forgetting them or leaving them in too long.It saves you time by drying the items in a sterile environment.  It was easy to use and shuts off by itself so that I could load and turn it on before bed, and not worry about it but have fresh clean bottles in the morning.This Baby Brezza Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer saved me a lot of time and effort, and was definitely a standout registry item from early on!

2. Putska Diaper Caddy Organizer

I originally bought this diaper caddy to store diapers, wipes, and other baby items in the nursery, but have since used it in the bedroom, living room and even as a snack caddy for nursing.  It has continued to be an essential well beyond the first few months.

The multiple pockets and sections makes it the perfect organizer to help keep much needed items close by.

This caddy came with some great and useful bonus items, handkerchief style bibs and pacifier clips which I’ve also found very useful!

3. Spectra S1 Breast Pump

If you have read my post about increasing your breast milk supply then you know how much I love my Spectra S1 Breast Pump.

It has been a lifesaver during my breastfeeding journey!  It is durable, portable and lasts a few full days before needing to be charged.  This double pump has multiple cycles and vacuum settings that has made pumping almost a breeze!  As an exclusive breastfeeding mama, I highly recommend this pump because of its durability and ease of use.

4. Acrabros Baby Carrier 

This has hands down been my favourite registry item!  I use this Acrabos Baby Carrier all the time, and from about the time my daughter was around one week old.

From that age onward, my daughter seems to love being in it.  When she was a newborn she would usually falls asleep within 10 minutes of being placed in.

I find this cloth sling carrier extremely comfortable for both me and baby.  It feels great to keep my daughter super close, and she seems to like being positioned so snuggly.

5. Electric Nail File

Another amazing registry item has been my electric nail file, which includes detachable files for newborns, infants and adults.

It makes trimming baby’s nails a breeze.  My daughter literally sits there and watches while I file her nails without flinching or making a sound.  It quickly files down long or sharp nails in seconds.

It makes me feel a lot more comfortable knowing that I won’t accidentally hurt her, as can be the case with clippers or scissors.  Save yourself the stress and add one of these to your baby registry!

Final Thoughts

Creating a baby registry is a very important part of your pregnancy journey.  It is one of the major steps that brings you one step closer to welcoming your little bundle of joy.  Securing the items that you will need for their first few months of life is such an important step for any parents.

I hope that this post has helped you to create your own baby registry, and given you insight into some of the items you should add to your registry.

If you are still in your first or second trimester of pregnancy, be sure to check out my posts on how to navigate and everything you need to know about those stages of pregnancy.  In your third trimester and approaching delivery?  My post on preparing for your c-section and postpartum period are also available on the blog.  For other great content about pregnancy, motherhood and mom life, visit the blog!


prepare for c-section cover

I Would Love to Hear from You!

Is there a particular item you are looking forward to adding to your registry? Or are you a Mama who has already been through this process and have tips or suggestions for Moms currently creating their registry? If so, feel free to leave them in the comments.

Do you have a friend who could benefit from reading this post?  Don’t forget to share it with them!

If you have questions for me, you can  reach out to me here.

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7 thoughts on “Creating your Baby Registry! Plus Top Baby Registry Favourites!”

  1. This is a great list. I remember when I was first pregnant, I was at a loss as to what to add to my baby registry. I spent many hours researching back then. I wish I had this list to refer to!

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